Our blood is good for wars, and the color of our skin for Hasbara

Two blows in one week. There are many more, but these have shocked us again. Two weeks ago the conviction in the case of Raphael Adane was overturned and two days later the case of Solomon Teka was closed without charges. The way in which our lives do not matter has deeply affected us, and […]

Education in an Orientalist and Post-Colonial World

Just as art might be used as a tool for educating people (and specifically children) to adopt a holistic and inclusive view on their society, it’s important to remember that by the same token, the artistic medium might be utilized to create racist, offensive, or problematic worldviews. Many literature, television and film texts preach messages […]

Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Racism

How many times have you tried to explain to people at work, the university, or the neighborhood playground that the sentence that just came out of their mouth is racist? How many times have you tried to prove to people that racism wasn’t a thing of the past? Truly and honestly, how many times have you come out of this kind of conversation feeling really understood? 

Mastawal Alaza

For years there have been warnings regarding the system’s poor handling of domestic violence cases. Recently, during the coronavirus epidemic, things have gotten even worse, since many have been forced to remain in quarantine with their abuser. The number on domestic violence cases have skyrocketed, but nothing has been done to stop it.Since the beginning of the year, eight women have been murdered by their husbands.

On surprise and blindness

You could say these times are extremely charged with tension. As the COVID-19 hit us all with different levels of intensity, you could cut the tension in the air with a knife. Or a gun. Or a cramped note that says “everything is OK.”   Israel is a very specific case of colonialism, white supremacy, […]

Queerness Around the World

“There was so such thing as gay in Ethiopia” – a common argument that we encounter in our communities. According to this argument, homosexuality (and all other sexual identities) are a Western invention. But is this based on actual history?  Today, the West presents itself as the defender of LGBTQ rights, but until less than […]

Prisoners and Intersectionality

We all know things would have been different if she were a white girl. First, because she probably would have had better legal defense. People with no money to hire a good lawyer must do with public defense, which in many cases leads to unfair plea bargains. And second, because white women are perceived as needing more protection, as being more moral, and more. 

Body decorations in Ethiopian community

The decorations on grandma’s, mom’s or auntie’s neck have long been part of who they are for us. But have you ever had the chance to hear about the story behind their tattoos?    According to a number of sources, this tradition began in Ethiopia during the period of Emperor Ezana of the Axum dynasty […]

What is the Nakba?

The basis for critical thinking is the ability to ask questions and be able to see and listen to all various sides of a story before forming an opinion. Our community knows from experience how it feels for our stories to be told and our narratives constructed over our heads, a phenomenon which we have been fighting for years.